Nestor Emerges

This is a character from my friend, Dea Lund's book. This is merely one of the many awesome antagonists she created. He's a bloodthirsty porcupine (figuratively speaking). I hope to illustrate one of her books someday.
This painting was done with acrylics on illustration board. I hate acrylics. When I mix colors it always ends up looking like mud. One of these days I'll take it easy on myself and just paint a picture of mud -- the colors will be dead-on. Speaking of acrylics, I'd like to write a book about them someday; it will be called "Painting with Plastic."
Oils are beautiful and luminous, and have the consistency of warm butter. If they weren't toxic I'm sure they'd taste good, too. What more could anybody ask?
Oils AND acrylics both lack the "Control-Z" function I've become so fond of. This is a nice one, Dan. And should you get around to painting mud, may I offer a suggestion... don't use acrylics. Use mud.
It's not bad enough that his whole body is covered with razor sharp spines, but then he carries a spikey weapon of destruction. All he'd have to do is run backward into the fray. The only problem would be after the battle was over, getting all the dead guys off his back. Ick! Nice one Dan. I'm always impressed by your work. Good luck with the book idea. Hope it works out.
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