Duck Soup

I enjoy fantasy and science fiction. I strive to create art that is appropriate for all age groups. I also really like painting modest women in these genres. -

Friday, December 15, 2006

Noodle, Noodle, Noodle...

Sketch done during Brad Holland's class last night (Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006, 6:23pm, Mountain Standard Time).
I didn't have time to finish it, but I thought it conveyed a certain feeling of slyness.
It was inspired by a trip to a video game company (Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006, 2:57pm, Mountain Standard Time).
I hope to work there in the future. It's kind of funny though, I don't really know anything about video games. I just know that what I saw at this company was what I've been searching for.
I want to be part of something bigger than myself. I believe many of the best answers come from collaboration. I also think it's better to part of an artistic community than to freelance in a vacuum.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blast from the Past (Hippolyta Rising)

I found this in my closet the other day. There are some funny things going on with the composition and anatomy, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

I might actually repaint this one in oil.

I usually paint between midnight and 4am. Why the odd hours? Well, it's primarily because the kitchen table makes a studio for me, so I set up, paint, and clean up in the wee hours of the morning.
This is also why I paint in acrylic so often - it's dries at the speed of light...that's 186,000 miles a second. Who says I didn't learn anything in my science class? just don't ask me anything else.

An interesting aside, I sent a copy of this to Robert McGinnis, and he actually likes it.

Ode to N.C. Wyeth - work in progress

My friend and mentor Daniel Horne was taught in the tradition of Howard Pyle.
Last summer my family drove to Cherry Hill, NJ in our old Honda Accord (much to my relief we didn't break down). It was in Cherry Hill that I interned with Daniel Horne. It was a fantastic experience, and having my family with me was the best.

My family has traveled back east for the past two summers. I love going to Chadds Ford to visit the Brandywine River Museum. The top floor is filled with the incredible paintings of N.C. Wyeth.
Wyeth was very prolific, but I noticed something on the last visit that I haven't had time to look 1911 N.C. painted the 17 masterpieces for Treasure Island. It was his breakthrough, but that was also the year Howard Pyle (his mentor) died. I just wondered how that affected N.C. ...if it drove him.

Pirates (detail) work in progress

One of several paintings I've begun for my senior show.
I block in values first, so I can focus on the hue and intensity of the colors. I invariably find issues with the design that are more easily corrected before moving to color.
It's kind of like a math problem, you solve the basic issues before moving on to more complicated ones.

Hold on there, I don't know anything about math! Ok, I guess you could liken it to cooking Ramen noodles - you have to boil the water before the noodles will cook.

Subversive Cult of the Vampire Squid

I painted this with a massive brush. Unfortunately, the painting is small. There's a secret rule in oil painting; I'll tell you as long as you don't tell anybody else...paint with WATERCOLOR brushes!!! Daniel Horne taught me this. I was worried the Art Police would show up and haul me away, and they did, but after they released me I went right back to it. They still show up from time to time to rough me up, but I feel the exchange is worth it.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

An older Toon Club drawing.
This is one of my favorites I've done so far for Toon Club. It really has been an honor to post with the artists on that site. They are talented and kind...ok, well at least they're talented.

Soul Reaper

This is a pretty terrible apparition. He obviously has some wardrobe problems - starting with his cast iron shoes. I think anyone would be grouchy if they had to wear those.

I also think he needs to reconsider the design of his scythe/shovel. I think it would be difficult to dig without cutting oneself with the scythe end...which might be very painful if one had an eye in one's hand. Just a hypothetical.

Missy Elliot

Caricatures often present their own special problems...a psychological likeness can be very evasive. The job of a caricature artist is to make people look more like themselves than they actually do...not that I would know.

I search out unique facial characteristics on any subject before I begin to try to depict them as a caricature. I haven't yet figured out how to yield consistent results with caricatures, but I love the genre.

That Sebastian Kruger guy is amazing.